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Philosophy     In today’s business world, many companies exist only to turn a profit, satisfy shareholders, and make empty guarantees, but this is not real. What is real? At Aubridge we believe the real world needs Kindness + Value, and that honesty, meaning what we say, always guaranteeing what can be done, and not making empty promises are the best policy for a responsible company with quality products.

    Aubridge is a "real" company and our philosophy is at the forefront of our culture. Kind Value is how we approach our business; treating our customers and employees with respect. Our company understands that we must go beyond, give back to society, and solve real problems with real solutions. By polluting less, providing employees with training, opportunities, and by getting involved in our community, we are a company of not only quality products, but ethical action. Through our Kind Value philosophy, we create real value in the lives of our employees, society, and the environment. Real kindness is what defines our company, driving us to bring real value and a better world to all.

Mission Statement     We are committed to building an exceptional global brand in the service industry by constantly creating extraordinary value for the health and well-being of the people. Our core values     Customer value First, Employee satisfaction, Environmental responsibility, Society responsibility
    Our mission statement and core values are further enhanced from our philosophy. Our core values represent our mission statement. They have already been implemented throughout our company and are inextricably linked to our everyday work execution. Our Difference     Rather than promising an unsubstantiated "company slogan", We leave the "Aubridge footprint". This means customer value first, employee satisfaction, environmental responsibility, and society responsibility.

"Customer Value first" is the key difference that separates us from the competition. We combine "qualitative" and "quantitative" methods to measure the actual value to our customers, so that our customers get their maximum value from us and not the rest. We have found that making the customer happiest is not always better than giving them the most value. Many slogans exemplify this notion, such as "the customer is always right" or "the customer is God…", when in fact we know there is no absolute in the world. At Aubridge, we believe that to be REAL (the max value ) to the Customer is to be kind (Customer satisfaction) . We take pride in our work and want to do what is right, always making sure to give the customer the best –to do the right thing, Maximize the value, and bring extra contribution to the client.

How do we achieve "Customer value first"
   "Customer value first"represents the spirit of our enterprise’s daily actions to create a maximum value for our customers. It includes, but is not limited to the following actions. These actions are measured by "qualitative" and "quantitative" methods.
  Positive factors
    1) Our Quality - Most important to us for our customer
    2) Our Price - more competitive prices for our customer
    3) Our Time - Time saving to our customer
    4) Our Service - Customer satisfaction
    5) Our guarantee - Customer safe products
    6) Our Creativity - Added value for our customers
    7) Our support - Constant support even when the customer may need to pull out
    8) Our understanding - Smooth communication & customer reassurance

  Negative Factors
    1) Our Risk - Inevitable risk, but less than competitors
    2) Our over deliveries - increased cost to customer, but rare

"Employee satisfaction"is the key difference that separates our company management system from others. At Aubridge we treat our employees with kindness and respect, as we know that employees are the backbone of our company. Customer and employee satisfaction are intertwined; employee satisfaction creates quality products, which in turn creates customer satisfaction. , see the figure below:

● Our "Kind Value" philosophy also applies to "Aubridge Society responsibility" which is to return to society by taking from society. This separates us from other companies who seek to please the shareholders first, and want faster development in order to gain greater profits. It includes, but is not limited to the following actions.
 1) Excellent products and services for our customers
 2) Provide employee education, welfare, health, protection, support, and resources; the idea that the company is a unit of society
 3) Provide internship opportunities to students(local and international)
 4) Providing opportunities for employees to volunteer and fundraise for charity
 5) Support for charities and community organizations
 6) Focus on the commonwealth
 7) Reduce global impact

"Aubridge Environmental responsibility" is not only our desire to lessen our impact on the environment, but to donate, or host activities to improve the environment. It includes, but is not limited to the following actions.
 1) Working to reduce the impact on the environment in all endeavors
 2) Lowering our carbon footprint to improve the environment
 3) Finding new alternative methods of environmental protection
 4) Encourage all employees to promote the 5Rs principle(Replace, Reduce, Reuse, Recover and Recycle)
 5) Encourage our employees, customers, business partners, contractors and suppliers to maximize their environmental initiatives
 6) Working with the local community to spread environmental responsibility
 7) Green the earth